Letter to a Better Place

I wish we could sit on the front porch rocking chairs during the lightning storms you loved so I could tell you in person; since we can’t, I’ll write this like you’re still here.          Happy birthday, Granny. Even though you’re not getting any older, I’m keeping your memory alive. I’ve given up on the hopeContinue reading “Letter to a Better Place”

Write On

These days, I feel like I’m “going through it”  as they say. I’ve been hesitant to publicly admit the rejections I’ve received for my manuscript for The Woman and the White Rabbit, despite the beta readers, family and friends who send their encouragement. I recently had  a sudden layoff, job change, and other unexpected events.Continue reading “Write On”

Words of Love

Finding pieces of you in poems and letters are like whispers of the hugs and “I love yous” that I miss. I wish I could thank you for leaving me these reminders of strength; the only thing I can do now is give meaning to our memories, so I’ll keep reading and writing, until IContinue reading “Words of Love”

Woman of Strength

In Loving Memory of my Grandmother The night you passed away, I discovered the book you dedicated to me for the first time. I keep these pictures close as I read your story, wishing I had done this sooner, that we had more time. You never got to read my book, but I’ll keep writingContinue reading “Woman of Strength”

Book Seeking Agent

I’m excited to announce I’ve completed all edits for The Woman and the White Rabbit, which means I am now seeking an agent to represent my book! Two years ago tomorrow, I started this novel as a National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) project in 2018. After successfully writing the first draft in 30 days, IContinue reading “Book Seeking Agent”